UT 561 East Tabernacle, St. George, 84790
Because addiction is different for everyone, it is important to individualize a treatment plan.
All of the assessments are conducted by licensed professionals. They include a thorough evaluation of the individual’s drug and alcohol, treatment, and medical history. It also includes helps to determine the level of addiction. All of the assessments are conducted by licensed professionals. They include a thorough evaluation of the individual’s drug and alcohol, treatment, and medical history. It also includes helps to determine the level of addiction.
Drug and Alcohol History
It is important to get a thorough history of the types of drugs that were used. We also find out if there were multiple drugs that were used and the method of intake. It is also important to gain an understanding about the history of use, including: at what age did they start using? How old are they now? when did they realize that their life became unmanageable. We also find out how their family feels about their addiction and if they really want help. Evaluating substance abuse history is a crucial part of the assessment. Our goal is to recommend the proper treatment.
Treatment History
In many cases, individuals have gone through past treatment. We evaluate past interventions and treatment and discuss successes. We also want to know if the 12-step approach was used. In many cases, there have been multiple treatments. It is important to determine successes in past treatment and the length of sobriety achieved. Understanding past treatment helps to know what has worked in the past and determine the next step to achieving long term sobriety.
Medical History
Because individuals have different medical needs it is important to understand what those needs are. If the individual is on any prescription medication we work to accommodate those needs. We find out if the person has been diagnosed with any psychiatric disorders or is on medication for the disorders. Because nutrition is an important part of our regimen, we make sure there are no food allergies or any other dietary needs. We have a Doctor on staff who conducts the medical assessment.
Detox, Equine Therapy, Music Therapy, 12 Steps
Medical Services, Individual Therapy, Group Therapy